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Essay 2 Rough Draft

Essay 2 Rough Draft

Q For this assignment, you will write a rough draft for Essay 2 with a Works Cited page using your discussion work and your notes. While submission of your writer's notes is not required for this essay, it is expected that they have been completed as they can be requested by your professor if it is determined necessary. Follow MLA for all assignments. This template is a great tool for understanding the MLA format. Essay 2 Overview Write an essay that argues that capital punishment helps or hurts America. Another way to look at this question is to ask whether the death penalty is good for our legal system and society or if it harms them. Use statistics and facts from the required readings to support your claims/opinions. Your goal is to convince readers that your position is reasonable and valid by using specific reason-ing, evidence to support it, and then explanations of that reasoning. Your audience doesn't neces-sarily have to agree with you: the goal is to show them the thinking that is behind your opin-ion. Thus, this essay uses opinion, but an opinion based upon logic – opinions that are tested and considered before they are offered to the reader. Because people aren't persuaded with only one reason, you’ll offer several different reasons to support your position. You will be using examples (both personal and from outside sources), descriptions, and stories to explain how these reasons support your position. You will probably have mixed feelings about this issue – which is as it should be. Reading, think-ing, and writing about the topic will help formulate a position. Requirements Your essay needs to include at least six (6) paragraphs: an introduction with a thesis as the last sen-tence; three body paragraphs, each offering a different reason supporting your position and using examples, descriptions, and stories to prove that the reason is valid; a counter-argument (one para-graph which brings up the opposing view, and then rebuts this view); and a conclusion. You must include a minimum of three facts, statistics, or quotes from the readings, but remember that the main basis of this essay is your own argument; you need to develop your own reasons and examples, not merely parrot what was discussed in the sources. That said, don’t stick to your opinions if they are not rational – remember that your goal is to use logic and reasoning to show why your position is correct. Follow MLA documenting guidelines when citing sources. A rough draft is marked as either complete or incomplete. If an assignment does not meet at least 70% of the criteria outlined in the grading rubric, it may be marked as incomplete.

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Death Penalty or Capital Punishment is an outdated form of judgement passed on the lives of incriminated criminals. Death Penalty is at present practised in extreme cases of manslaughter wherein the jury unanimously agrees that the death of a person is the most viable option for a crime. Death Penalty, although decreed in numbers is a much debated concept that has a fair share of people passing judgements both for and against in abolishment. Some suggest that depending on the intensity of the crime, the death penalty should be continued